Finding Appliances That Are Large Enough
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Finding Appliances That Are Large Enough

A few years ago when I started a cake business, I was surprised to see how many different orders came in at the same time. It was frustrating for everyone, including my family, because I was storing ingredients in the family fridge. Pretty soon, my husband told me that we needed to invest in some larger appliances, but I didn't know how to start the search. We visited several different stores that had a huge number of options, and I was able to whittle down the appliances that would work for us. This blog is all about finding appliances that are large enough for the things you need to store every day.

Finding Appliances That Are Large Enough

  • Planning A Move? 4 Reasons To Hire A Professional Moving Service For Your Kitchen Appliances

    19 August 2019

    If you're going to be moving into a new home, and you're planning to do things on your own, you still need to make special arrangements for your appliances. Your kitchen appliances require special handling especially during major moves. Moving your furniture and other personal belongings on your own can usually be accomplished without problems. However, moving your own appliances can lead to problems that you hadn't expected. Here are just four of the reasons why you need to hire a moving service, like Appliance Moving, for your kitchen appliances.

  • Troubleshooting A Warm Fridge

    2 April 2019

    A fridge that isn't properly keeping your food chilled is a huge problem because it will substantially decrease the length of time that your food will be good for. Furthermore, it can increase your utility bills significantly as your fridge will run constantly in order to make up the temperature difference and reach the setting on its internal thermostat. Being aware of some of the most common reasons why your fridge may not be working as effectively as it once was able to can help you diagnose and fix the problem quickly.

  • Signs Of A Bad AC Cooling System And Repairs That Might Be Needed

    1 January 2019

    Whether you have a window air conditioner, central air, or a ductless system, the cooling system that consists of the compressor and refrigerant has to be operational so the unit can chill your house. The compressor and refrigerant are checked during preventative maintenance calls, but they can also develop problems that need repairs when your AC stops working in the middle of summer. Here are some signs the compressor or refrigerant is causing problems and how they're fixed.